Content Authors & Moderators for Viva Celebrate Woman Today

content authors celebrate woman todayLaura Gontchar – Site owner and content developer. Created many channels for women to learn and connect with each other. The Celebration of woman’s self-recognition that she is the integral part of any change is a huge part of my mission.

Any changes take place within first. Then, they illuminate into the environment we are surrounded with.

Merger in persona. Merger in this societa. Actualizing ourselves on every level of our dreams we carry within, no matter what fears we face daily. Shining through the light on that fear does the “magic” inside you and me.

AM Coffee

What personal is on your mind, this morning?
Share personal stories. Ask provocative questions. Talk about subjects you can’t with your friends. Reach out and give support for personal issues.

Afternoon TEA

How is the changing world affecting you, this afternoon?
What family issues are you wrestling with? What new ideas do you have concerning aging parents, growing children, spouses, significant others, and close friends?

Celebrate Woman Today

Giving Women Moments to Celebrate Every Day

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content authors

Boyd Jentzsch, Site Moderator

Boyd’s Story:
Eighteen years ago I lost my mother to the lifelong effects of obesity. A remarkably disciplined woman, she did everything right to lose weight. She knew what to do, because she was a nutritionist for the state of Oregon. Tragically for her, and her family and friends, what she knew was wrong. Dead wrong.

I closed my law offices in Hong-Kong and Taiwan, and dialed down my US law practice over the ensuing years and began a quest to discover the realities — the real peer-reviewed science — about nutrition and weight control. I especially desired to make a real difference in the bodies of children and their parents, as well as all who long for a healthier, longer life.

This deep personal concern about the obesity epidemic sweeping our country, especially in children, has led me to develop an expertise developing lifestyle change programs for Kids, Tweens, and Moms. This expertise includes developing extensive nutrition and exercise knowledge as they effect prevention and treatment of obesity, heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Key to this effort has been the ability to translate those concerns into products and marketing programs, based on original research and peer-reviewed medical literature.

Here is Boyd’s Background in Weight Loss Science

ScaleDown For Life — Co-Developer (with Nick Smith)

Development of healthy products for clients

Development of Expert Health and Chronic Metabolic Disease Prevention Programs and health information publications, branding, and website content, for clients

Conducting Pre-Clinical/ Phase 1/ Phase 2 Clinical Trials for supplements and functional food products

Online Articles
Over the years Boyd has written over 40 published articles dealing with weight loss, both as universal cause, as well as personal challenge. Here is a sample, a manifesto that outlines the frightening impact of childhood obesity on the unfolding of their lives, and its effect on our country:
The Heroic Generation that Changed the World Why we, as a nation, need to concentrate on combatting childhood obesity. Read this article and Manifesto.

Early Sport Foundation, Inc.: Founder/President, the only elementary school P.E. program proven to reduce risk factors for Early Chronic Diseases

GoZonkers Radio Adventures Inc.: President/Founder, new, innovative, exciting, fun, at-desk classroom exercise program for Pre-K– 6th Grades, utilizing sponsored “radio” adventure stories streamed over the Internet.

Boyd has had his own weight loss challenges:
He has successfully lost over 60 pounds, and kept it off for more than 15 years.