Archive No.2: HEART PLAN Archives And PDFs For Download
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HOW to Control Your Weight? Have Surgery.
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At a certain point, weight loss surgery is the only way to control weight – it is the only way to save a life. But saving dreams? …Saving dreams is not something that surgery is very good at.
WEIGHT LOSS Motivation? – Remember the Alamo!
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I had a lengthy conversation with a soon-to-be-retired Chairman of one of the oldest and biggest weight loss companies. I asked him what he was most proud of. From his many years of financial success at the helm of this weight loss company – what was his greatest satisfaction? Without hesitation he replied, “Over 85% of our weight loss customers are repeat customers.” REPEAT Customers of a Weight Loss Company? How can that be? Read More…
DON’T be a REPEAT Weight Loss Customer
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Is the only path to permanent weight loss paved with eating expensive pre-packaged foods for the rest of your life? How bland, boring, perverted and expensive is that? And what have you learned from those companies about how to eat to keep the weight off for life? With them having mostly “REPEAT” customers, it says, “probably not much.” Isn’t it entirely possible that what you have learned from these Weight Re-GAIN Companies is WRONG? Read More…
GET Unstuck – or Lower Your Expectations for Weight Loss
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You have to find a reason beyond food to eat less, to weigh less. You need a counterweight to your hunger. That is where you get stuck. And keep getting stuck. Have you ever wondered why you successfully lose weight, then gain it all back later? When you treat weight loss as a problem with a bundle of calories, you’re going to get stuck. Read More…
SAVING Thrown Away Food –
Instead of Starving to Feed Your Kids
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Americans throw away nearly half (40%) of their food every year. A regular family of four throws way $2,275 worth of food annually. That is more than enough for Ramona and millions like her, to not have to starve to feed their kids. (And gaining weight each month.) Read More…
HOW NOT to Lose Weight – Starving, So Your Kids Can Eat.
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Ramona had taken night classes working on her college degree in social work. It took her most of 12 years to get it done, while working at a variety of part time jobs, usually two a day. Studying late into the evening after the kids were in bed, around finals time the lights didn’t go out until the wee hours of the morning. Ramona knew the only way she was going to be able to break the cycle of hunger and deprivation for her kids was to get a degree. Read More…
OVERWEIGHT? Blame it on Mom.
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To develop healthier eating habits, you MUST first be mindful.
Make yourself aware of WHY you are eating, HOW, WHEN you are eating, even the SPEED you eat. You need a “diet of ideas” to eliminate “caught things” that push your hunger outside your conscious control.
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LOSING Weight and Losing Your Panties on the Courthouse Steps
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Even your friends and closest intimates don’t see the “real” you anymore. They are blinded by the same image-morphing problem that makes them not see you objectively.
Past impressions, personality traits, and affection can get in the way of seeing what is plainly there to be seen. Read More…
MAKING Love is the Antidote
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Unsatisfied, sometimes fearful, sometimes vaguely discontented, we search for comfort. Food, especially the kind that is fattening and sugary, makes us feel comforted…
…at least until the first serving is gone.
It is not a rush into gluttony. It is a retreat into unfilled spaces. Read More…
TO LOSE Weight Successfully – Hang Your Husband on a Clothesline
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Men and women really do see things differently when it comes to excess weight.
And it is rooted in more than biology. It is also driven by our still-dominant male culture. That makes it difficult for both men and women to steer towards a better way to handle weight control issues for women. Read More…
DIETS Cause Weight Re-GAIN – Here’s How
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Turns out that when you are eating 1/2 the calories your body is used to, and really needs to sustain life (and do all that wonderful things you expect your body to do), your body has TWO AMAZING AUTOMATIC BODILY REACTIONS – plus one totally unexpected one.” Read More…
HOW do you finally lose weight? Cry for Rene.
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“When I came out of my cocoon I noticed that I had gained a lot of weight. Somehow I don’t recollect how or when it got there. It just did. I was shocked. I had never been overweight my entire life. I was always proud of that, and René would not have approved.” “Then I decided I had to lose it. I couldn’t ask my pall bearers to carry me at that weight. It just wouldn’t do.”Read More…
YOU DON’T Really Want To Lose Weight, Do You?
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Truth: Everyone loses weight when they quit eating. Thatʼs not a diet. Thatʼs a way one ticket to stupid-hood. It sets your body up for some weight loss now and some weight Re-GAIN later, plus some extra pounds.
Weight loss companies want you back as a REPEAT customer. Itʼs cheaper to get you to come back than to find a new customer. Read More…
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